2014 Apolloni Willamette Valley Estate Pinot Grigio 750 Ml

2014 Apolloni Willamette Valley Estate Pinot Grigio 750 Ml

2014 Apolloni Willamette Valley Estate Pinot Grigio 750 Ml Rating:
List Price: unavailable
Sale Price: $16.00
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Product Description

Tradition. Italian. Family. Tradition, Italian, and Family: these are the foundation of Apolloni Vineyards and its winemaking. The label is inspired by an original piece with its origins dating back to the 16th century. It depicts the Apolloni family coat of arms, featuring a black eagle as a sign of strength, as well as the helm from the armor of the captains of Scalve. The handwriting in the background documents the origins of the coat of arms from the Milan State archive. The lettering of the name, Apolloni, is Roman, always in bold capitals. The Apolloni family's Italian origins are from the Arezzo region in Tuscany, Italy, and has a long tradition in winemaking of over 150 years. History and tradition have always been important and continue to be. Alfredo Apolloni, a first generation American, comes from a long line who have taken pride in retaining their family name. In each generation there has been either an Adolfo or an Alfredo, alternating by generation. Alfredo has continued the tradition by naming his son Adolfo, in honor of his late father.


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