2012 Ancestry Cellars “di Donato” Sangiovese 750 mL

2012 Ancestry Cellars "di Donato" Sangiovese 750 mL

2012 Ancestry Cellars "di Donato" Sangiovese 750 mL Rating:
List Price: unavailable
Sale Price: $25.00
Availability: Usually ships in 3-4 business days

Product Description

We believe, above anything else, that family is most important. We come from a long line of hard working, family oriented people. Our grandfathers and grandmothers got up early with the sunrise to greet the day and put in an honest day's work. Our ancestors worked in logging camps, fished, worked as longshoremen, were teachers at the local elementary school, and above all else, raised caring, fun-loving families. After a day's work our parents continued the traditions of their parents by coaching our sports teams and rooting us on from the stands. Although working hard was a family value, being an active participant in your kids' lives was most important of all. We have families that have always been there for us, to celebrate with us through life's great moments or triumphs, and to lend a hand when we have been in need. We continue that tradition today - working hard and putting family first. So raise a glass to those most important to you - to family!


  • BRONZE - San Francisco International Wine Awards